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THATCamp Göttingen wird vom 22.-23. September 2014 als Vorkonferenz des 50. Deutschen Historikertages stattfinden. Die Organisation liegt in den Händen des Göttingen Centre of Digital Humanities und einigen interessierten Kollegen der Göttinger Universität und der Akademie der Wissenschaften.

Die Veranstaltung ist für etwa 70 Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer ausgerichtet.

THATCamp steht für “The Humanities and Technology Camp”: Es handelt sich um ein offenes und kostengünstiges Treffen, bei dem Geisteswissenschaftler, Informatiker Bibliothekare und Archivare mit dem unterschiedlichsten Vorwissen spontan Sitzungen organisieren, um gemeinsam zu lernen und Wissen auszutauschen.  Zu den Themenschwerpunkten für das THATCamp Göttingen sollen Open Humanities, Open History und Open Access gehören.

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THATCamp comes to Göttingen

22 – 23 September 2014 @ Göttingen Centre for Digital Humanities

The Göttingen Centre for Digital Humanities (GCDH) is looking forward to welcoming you to Göttingen’s first THATCamp.  The Humanities and Technology Camp (THATCamp) is an informal conference bringing people together who are interested in humanities and technology. As an ‘unconference’ the programme is put together by the participants during the event itself. However, informal does not mean disorganised but hands-on, interactive and of course, fun!

THATCamp Göttingen will take place on 22 – 23 September 2014. It is being organised as a pre-conference event of the 50th Convention of German Historian’s Historikertag, one of Europe’s largest humanities conferences. As well as historians, we welcome all humanities researchers, regardless of discipline and of how ‘digital’ you are.

THATCamp Göttingen is open to everybody with an interest and enthusiasm for the humanities or technology and ideally both! We welcome historians and humanities researchers, regardless of discipline and of how ‘digital’ you are. It would be great to see developers, computer and information scientists there, as well as librarians and archivists.

There are many examples of THATCamps that have taken place around the world as well as several in Europe including Cologne (2010), Luxembourg (2012), Paris (2012), Ghent (2013) and The Hague (2014).

Here are some examples of the types of sessions that you can expect:

THATCamp Göttingen is being hosted by the Göttingen Centre for Digital Humanities (GCDH) in Heyne-Haus, our beautiful building in the centre of Göttingen. Due to our space capacity, we expect to be able to welcome up to 70 participants. As our expected audience is likely to be primarily German-language speakers, we anticipate that THATCamp Göttingen will be a German-language event. However, there will be the possibility of holding sessions in English, of course!

Further information, in English and German, is available on both the GCDH and THATCampGoettingen websites.

For questions, please contact: .

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